Ideas & Experiments

> Impact Networking

'Embrace Ideas' Campaign

Using research, I saw that businesses only think that they lack great ideas or visionary innovators. This campaign is built on the knowledge that businesses already have the ideas and people in their business, they just need to let them off the leash.

The campaign is focused around a series of phrases that businesses often use to 'kill' ideas (i.e. the idea's 'last words') and making them aware that great ideas are being stopped in their tracks every day, whether they know it or not.

As business leaders become more aware of these phrases, they'd realize how often they 'kill' ideas just because they lack the resources to pull them off. With Impact, they could do it all and 'Embrace Ideas' that could change everything.

> DOT Security

Print Campaign

Letting the News Tell the Story

> This ad would be a full-page ad in a print magazine with a cybersecurity breach cover story on the front, using the news to show the direness of the situation to businesses.

A play on a common phrase. This ad would feature cybersecurity headlines and make it clear: DOT Security keeps you out of the news.

> Bumble

Billboard Campaign

Clever, fun, and inviting to new members, showing that love stories start in many creative and unique ways.

> Rad Power Bikes

'Slow Down' Campaign

One of the biggest benefits of riding bikes vs. cars is the ability to slow down without compromising the ability to get around. This ad uses that message to say that travel doesn't have to be just A to B, you can enjoy it, too.

Alongside slowing down, riding bikes lets you see things you would simply drive past without noticing, hiding amazing parts of people's cities in plain sight. This ad showcases the hidden gems of cities that people may not notice when they're behind the wheel.

Dylan Grissom

Chicago, IL | (317) 629-9749 |

© Dylan Grissom, 2024